
Monday, 27 September 2010

My Son started high school, arrghh!

Well, its been just over 3 or so weeks since my boy started at high school, how proud I felt on that very first day in his grown up uniform.  How proud he felt, it was written all over his face like he wanted to shout hey look at me, I am getting older....

I took a photo of him on his first day in his new uniform with his new bag, with his new pencil case inside etc.. etc.. I will probably look back and say to myself that is the day it all went wrong.  That is the day I sent my seemingly normal well balanced happy child off to school, what came back however I am still trying to figure out.

At first I thought I was alone but the more I speak to my sister and friends apparently it is quite normal to send your child off to high school and what returns is anybodies guess.  I know that Kevin the teenager existed but never in my wildest dreams thought that Kevin appeared at 11 years old....

I am feeling very tired, trying to hold on to the dying embers of my ever so happy kind hearted boy who may never fully return.  Actually what never returned was his new pencil case with his new expensive fountain pen, his new lunchbox and his new coat.  When I ask where they are he says " I dunno".   I still see my gorgeous boy sometimes when I walk into his bedroom at midnight and look at him sleeping, then I remember what a fantastic son he is and why I love him so much....

Public Toilets.....

Public Toilets is a subject that most people I know have an opinion on, whether its one of like, dislike, an essential service or a necessary evil.  Opinions differ also according to how you are involved with them councillors, council officers or the general public.  Most recently in Melton Mowbray a few of us have put together a campaign to re-open a public toilet originally shut to save the council money.  The view of the general public was one of disgust and dismay when this happened, and they have been asking ever since why?    The toilets were opened on the firm understanding this would be a trial period from July to the end of September and only open on Tuesdays and Saturdays (both Market Days).  Whilst I understand that this is not a statutory duty, it is something that the public feel the council should continue to fund for the foreseeable future.  What is the answer though and where should the council find the money from to fund them

Roundhill Maternity Hospital

Roundhill Maternity Hospital
Where I was born....
Ambitious and happy ginger headed person most of the time.

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